Professional Development


This section of my portfolio demonstrates my participation in various extracurricular activities that contributed to my maturity as a professional. Areas included are:

Student Education Association ~ Reggio Emilia ~ Trainings & Workshops


·        SEAN (Student Education Technology Association) ~ I held three offices in the SEAN chapter at College of Saint Mary: President, Vice President, and Treasurer.  I attended conferences, prepared and conducted meetings, kept students updated on new issues in education and in our state through email, newsletters, and a website, which I maintained.  I led a Future Teacher Club, in cooperation with Roncalli Catholic and South High School to encourage students to join the teaching profession.  As a group, we participated in Read Across America, holiday celebrations, and other activities teaching social and life skills to elementary students from St. Bernard’s and Spring Lake Academy.

SEAN Fall Conferences:

An article in The Catholic Voice about the Future Teacher Club, a partnership between Roncalli Catholic High School and College of Saint Mary:

Roncalli Gives Future Teachers Taste of Ministry

By Elizabeth Wells, The Catholic Voice

With Nebraska teacher salaries ranked 45 in the nation and the potential for classroom violence, few are encouraging their children to become a teacher today.

Still it is a profession that people have called a ministry and a career that deeply impacts future generations. To recruit enthusiastic youth, Roncalli has adopted a national program, Future Educators of America, aimed at fostering interest in education, especially Catholic education.

Future Educators of America is sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa, an honorary professional association for educators. The Roncalli group was encouraged by the school's partnership with the College of Saint Mary, said Paula Lenz, dean of students.

For the past two years, the students in the Roncalli club have been meeting twice each month, according to Lenz, who is also a member of PDK.

Topics of discussion at the meetings include child development, and skill development in leadership, interpersonal relations and communication. They also have been learning more about teaching.   "The students do the work," Lenz said, noting that she facilitates meetings and encourage "them to think of all the possibilities. "

 A unique exchange

The program has established a unique exchange between Roncalli, College of Saint Mary and St. Bernard School, all in Omaha.

Since December, Roncalli's 14- member club has been going to St. Bernard School for about one and a half hours a month. "It is Catholic schools ministering to Catholic schools," Lenz said.  This reciprocal ministry includes College of Saint Mary students as well. Dr. Joanne R. Carlson, chair of the education department at College of Saint Mary, obtained the Nebraska Partnership for Quality Teacher Education grant that funds organizing and maintaining local groups of future teachers.

Wendy Ratkovek, a junior at College of Saint Mary, is the president of the college's student education association. She worked to establish the future teachers group at Roncalli and South High School in Omaha. She continues to work with the programs and makes sure that the grant monies are spent for things that will enhance the future teacher organization at the school, Lenz said.

Roncalli will officially become a member of the national Future Educators of America this fall.

Hands-on Learning.

Visiting St. Bernard provides hands-on learning and service opportunities for the future teachers, Lenz said. The RoncaIli students read to and do projects  with the students at St. Bernard.

"Working with the kids im- proves their skills and working with them increases (future teachers') knowledge," Ratkovek said, adding that the benefits also apply to her.  "I have a lot of fun with it.  I feel like I have some influence on the Roncalli and South High students," she said.  "I feel like I am leaving a mark in a good way.  I hope that's the message I'm sending anyway."



 ·        Reggio Emilia ~ I attended a Reggio Emilia display and learned about ways to enhance young children’s learning.

 ·        In addition, I have attended numerous workshops, trainings, and conferences, including: Math and Science Are Fun, The Boys Town Education Model, Induction Days, Project Learning Tree, Project Wild, and a Family Sign Class at Boys Town National Research Hospital.



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