To obtain a
teaching position in an early childhood, elementary, and/or special
education classroom
College of Saint Mary-Omaha, Nebraska
Graduation date: December 2002, Bachelor of Science in Education
Cumulative Grade Point
Average: 3.944
Dean’s list, Fall 1998
through Fall 2002
PRAXIS I, Reading: 332, Writing: 328, Mathematics: 329
Sigma Phi Sigma member, 2001
Recipient, Who’s Who Among
Students in American Universities & Colleges, 2000-2001
Recipient, The National
Dean’s List, 1999-2000
Recipient, NSEA-R/SEAN Scholarship, 2002
Recipient, Education
Student of the Year Award, 2003
Nominee, Kappa Gamma Pi,
Nominee, Saint Catherine Medal, 2001
Washington Elementary-Omaha,
Resource classroom
Plan and conduct lessons for
Kindergarten through fifth grade
Obtain a flexible schedule to assist teachers, staff, and faculty with
various tasks such as covering
absentees, pull-out to provide qualitative assistance to students
Modify lessons for students
with learning disabilities and gifted students
Anderson Grove Elementary-Bellevue,
Student Teacher,
fifth/sixth grade combination classroom
Plan and conduct lessons for
fifth and sixth grade students
Modify lessons for students
with learning disabilities and gifted students
Ashland Park-Robbins-Omaha,
Student Teacher,
Pre-kindergarten Special Education
Plan and conduct lessons for
three- and four-year-old students in a Speech/Language classroom
Assist with the organization
and conduction of parent teacher conferences
Provide assistance in
testing and observing student progress in areas of Speech and Language
implement strategies to suit the needs of children with special needs
Westgate Elementary-Omaha,
Teacher Aide,
Intermediate Special Education Classroom
Modify curriculum to suit
needs of children with behavior disorders, learning disabilities, mild and
moderate handicaps, and other special needs
Develop and implement
behavior plans
Support students in
appropriate subject areas in a classroom environment setting
Support students in
appropriate areas in a special education classroom setting
Plan and conduct learning
activities for a morning tutoring program for students referred by their
teachers in specific subject areas
Manage extra duties such as
bus duty, lunch duty, and recess duty
Inspire a more fluent and
positive start to the school day for kindergarten through sixth grade
students by leading a pilot program at subsidized apartments
Responsibilities included: preparing and
serving breakfast, according to dietary and state guidelines; establishing
and managing a calm classroom setting; and misdirecting inappropriate
Afternoon Teacher,
Computer Curriculum Consortium (CCC) Classroom, kindergarten through
fourth grade
Adapt reading and math
curriculum for students kindergarten through fourth grade
Observe and collect data for
progress in the areas of math and reading
Plan and host an Open House
to increase parent involvement and knowledge of the program
Prepare and conduct
supplemental activities in the areas of reading and math
Westgate Early Childhood Center-Omaha,
Co-Teacher; Pre-school Group Leader
Cooperate with four other
lead teachers to plan and implement activities for four- and five-year-old
students in a pre-kindergarten setting
Prepare snack according to
dietary and state guidelines for pre-kindergarten through sixth grade
Provide care for
pre-kindergarten through sixth grade students in a before and after school
Cooperate with four other
lead teachers to plan, prepare, and host an Open House to parents of
thirty-five pre-kindergarten students and their families
Coordinate an all day summer
program for first and second grade students
Responsibilities included: Preparing and
conducting lessons appropriate for the students; cooperating with other
teachers to plan and implement whole group activities; and cooperating
with an afternoon teacher to plan activities
Sacred Heart Grade School-Omaha,
Student, Reading Practicum
(Partners Achieving Literacy in Schools), Fall 2000 through Spring 2001
Plan and conduct lessons in
the areas of Reading and Language Arts for first grade students in a south
Omaha area school
Cooperate with another
pre-service teacher in preparing and presenting lessons
Cooperate with the initial
teacher in targeting areas for further growth
Catholic High School-Omaha,
Nebraska and St. Bernard’s Elementary School-Omaha, Nebraska
Future Teacher Club Group Leader,
Fall 2000 through Spring 2001
Engage freshman and
sophomore students in teaching activities for elementary students
Interest and motivate future
teachers in the education profession
Plan and conduct lessons to
freshman and sophomore students
Plan and conduct lessons to
elementary students
Model and lead freshman and
sophomore students in conducting lessons to elementary students
Collaborate with high school
Future Teacher Club advisors and college students to set up accommodating
times for college student/high school student meetings
Plan and conduct an Open
House for freshman, sophomore, and college level students
Girls Incorporated of Omaha-Omaha,
Student, Science and Math Practicum,
S.M.A.R.T. Lab (Science, Mathematics, And Relevant Technology),
Fall 1999 - Spring 2000
Prepare and conduct lessons
in the areas of Science, Mathematics, and Technology for first grade
Cooperate with a peer
teacher to implement lessons and behavior management strategies
Assess student’s progress of
prepared unit of study
Assess and reflect on
personal teaching and learning
Omaha 2000 Early Childhood Center-Omaha,
Student, Early
Childhood Practicum,
March through December 1999
Prepare and conduct activities for children ages two to five in the areas
of Play, Creativity, & Artistic Development; Health & Nutrition;
Mathematics; and Science (including all areas of development)
Assess and reflect on personal teaching and learning
Student Education Association of Nebraska
(SEAN), 2001-2002
Vice President,
SEAN, 2000-2001
SEAN, 1999-2000
Student Education
Technology Association (SETA), 2001-2002