Teacher ~ Student



Getting to know your students Effective Praise & Awards Self Assessment & Portfolios

Getting to know your students
bullet Picture of Me!
bullet Homework/Study Plan
bullet My goals (for student)
bullet Info Circle
bullet Summer Vacation Writing Plan





Effective Praise & Awards

bullet Guidelines for Effective Praise (scroll to the bottom of the page)
bullet Award maker ~ Anything from "Clean Desk Award" to "Big Improvement Award"
bullet Notes for students




Self Assessment & Portfolios

bullet Portfolios ~ A Great Format to follow!
bullet Self Assessment in portfolios
bullet Brain-Based Learning
bullet Self Assessment for research process
bullet Assessment ideas for elementary Science
bullet Self Assessment ~ Writing
bullet Self evaluation of progress in year
bullet "I Am Proud of My Work Because...


Student Creed

Today I will do my best to be the best.

I will listen.

 I will follow directions. 

I will be honest. 

I will respect the rights of others.

 I can learn. 

I will learn. 

You, see I know it's all up to me!

Learner's Creed

I believe in myself and my ability to do my best at all times. 

Just for today:

I will listen

 I will see 

I will speak 

I will feel 

I will think

 I will reason

 I will write

 I will do all these things with one purpose in mind: to do my very best and not waste this day for this day will not come again.




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